A bouquet of happiness for a loved one, or plants for the green-fingered, Hastings and St. Leonards has all you need.


Our florists


Shimizu Flowers

The High Street, Hastings

Beautiful, bespoke, bouquets at a very reasonable price.

Call on 01424 425971 or visit their website below.


Mount Pleasant Flowers

Mount Pleasant, Hastings

The finest flowers, fresh to your doorstep.

Call 07947 876839 or visit their website below.


Friends Flowers And Gifts Conquest Hospital

The Ridge, St. Leonards

Beautiful array of bouquets as well as other gifts for those you love - charity raising money for our Conquest Hospital.

Call 01424 758025 or visit their Facebook page below.


La Collina Gardens

Norman Road, St. Leonards

Established in 1980, great flowers and great value.

Call on 01424 422 605 or visit their website below.


St. Leonards Florist

Sedlescombe Road North, St. Leonards

Full floristry service including same day delivery.

Call 01424 426477 or visit their website below.


Fleur De Lynn

Alexandra Parade, Hastings

Designer florist and value for money

Call on 01424430088 or visit their website below.


Our garden centres


Garden Gems

Pett Level Road, Fairlight, Hastings

Family run plant nursery with a selection of gardening tools

Call on 01797 360533 or visit their website below.


Rotherview Nursery

Ivy House Lane, Hastings

Specialising in alpines, Camellias, ferns and other perennials

Call on 01424 756228 or visit their website below.


Simply Garden

George Street, Hastings

Beautiful range of plants and pots and knowledgeable staff.

Call on 01424 319093 or visit their website below.